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Project case of hydrogen detection system in data center and power supply room

来源:Drksir 时间:2023-03-10 14:29:06

1、 How is hydrogen generated

       In the financial data center, telecom data center, commercial office building, etc., emergency power supply and standby power supply systems are installed in the power supply room, and battery is an effective energy storage medium. Almost all standby power supply systems and emergency power supply UPS should use battery as the energy storage medium; These batteries mainly use acid and alkaline batteries such as lead-acid batteries and nickel metal batteries. After the battery is used, it needs to be recharged to recover its capacity. No matter what type of battery is used, a certain amount of hydrogen will be discharged from the battery room during the charging process. The faster the charging speed is, the faster the hydrogen will be generated.
Function and setup system diagram of gas detection system

2、 CO2 production process

         The electronic components in various computer rooms will produce trace amounts of carbon dioxide when they work. Large computer rooms or high-power computer rooms produce more carbon dioxide, while the computer rooms are usually relatively closed. The gas fluidity is not strong, and the concentration of carbon dioxide will gradually increase, and the concentration of carbon dioxide will be higher for a long time, which will cause harm to human body. At the same time, the high and low voltage distribution room, transformer room, frequency converter room, voltage stabilization room, generator room and other rooms that cannot be put out with water should be equipped with gas fire extinguishing systems other than carbon dioxide, such as heptafluoropropane, IG100, IG541 and other clean gas fire extinguishing systems.

3、 Hazards of hydrogen and carbon dioxide in data center

3.1 Hydrogen is a flammable gas, lighter than air, and also a clean energy, but everything has two sides. Improper handling of flammable substances, or not handling, will lead to the risk of combustion and explosion. The hydrogen generated during the charging process of the battery in the machine room is easily gathered at the top in the small space of the protective machine room, while the lower explosive limit of hydrogen is 4% VOL, and the explosive concentration range is 4% VOL-75.6VOL. When burning, the flame color is light blue, which is almost invisible. It is easy to cause danger to human life, damage to equipment, and even damage to the data center. Although hydrogen explosion is not a common occurrence, any standby power supply system has this risk, and these risks can be detected in real time through online gas detection equipment. When the concentration rises, alarm in advance, or linkage ventilation equipment can be used to reduce the concentration. Prevent possible accidents.

3.2 The electronic components in various computer rooms will produce trace amounts of carbon dioxide when they work. Large computer rooms or high-power computer rooms produce more carbon dioxide, while the computer rooms are usually relatively closed. The gas mobility is not strong, and the concentration of carbon dioxide will gradually increase, and the concentration will be higher for a long time, which will cause harm to human body. At the same time, high and low voltage distribution rooms, transformer rooms, frequency converter rooms, voltage stabilization and frequency stabilization rooms, generator rooms and other rooms that cannot be put out with water shall be equipped with gas fire extinguishing systems other than carbon dioxide, such as heptafluoropropane, IG100, IG541 and other clean gas fire extinguishing systems.

4、 Alarm value setting and installation

4.1 According to the lower explosive limit concentration of hydrogen is 4% VOL and 100% LEL, the low alarm value is set at 20% LEL, and the high alarm value is set at 40% LEL. When the instrument concentration reaches the low alarm, ventilation is required to reduce the concentration.

4.2 According to the Occupational Exposure Limit of Hazardous Factors in the Workplace, the allowable concentration for short time (within 15 minutes) is 1% VOL, and the alarm value should be set with a low alarm point of 0.2% VOL and a high alarm point of 0.4% VOL.

4.3 At present, the installation quantity of the data room depends on the specific situation. A separate set should be installed in each cabinet in the confined space. Because hydrogen is heavier than air, the installation position is on the top. The wireless scheme cannot be adopted for the combustible gas field. It is generally recommended to connect each detection terminal in series through RS-485 bus system. Realize real-time monitoring.

4.4 The machine room is equipped with carbon dioxide detection equipment. The number of installations depends on the size of the specific area. Generally, it is recommended to install one within a radius of 7.5 meters, and the installation height is recommended to be 1.5 meters. The detection purpose is to prevent people from fainting after entering due to high carbon dioxide concentration and low oxygen concentration










        古建筑健康状况监测对于保护和维护这些珍贵的历史文化遗产至关重要,原因如下:        1. 结构安全:古建筑可能因年久失修、自然侵蚀、环境变化或人为因素而出现结构问题,如裂缝、倾斜、材料老化等,这些问题可能威胁到建筑的稳定性,甚至对访客和居民构成安全风险。        2. 文化遗产保护:古建筑承载着丰富的历史文化信息,是不可再生的文化遗产。监测其健康状况可以及时发现并修复潜在的损害,确保这些遗产得到妥善保护,给后代留下宝贵的财富。        3. 预防性维护:定期监测可以识别早期的结构变化或环境影响,允许管理者采取预防性措施,避免小问题演变成大灾难,减少修复成本和时间。        4. 环境适应性:古建筑位于不同的地理和气候环境中,监测系统可以评估环境因素对建筑的影响,比如湿度、温度、地震活动等,以制定适当的保护策略。        5. 法规与标准:许多国家和地区有严格的法律法规要求定期检查和维护古建筑,监测系统能够帮助管理者遵守这些规定,避免法律责任。        6. 科学研究与教育:监测数据为建筑学家、历史学家和科学家提供了宝贵的研究材料,有助于深入了解古建筑的建造技术、材料性能以及历史变迁。        7. 旅游与公众参与:古建筑是重要的旅游资源,监测和维护工作可以提升游客的安全感,同时通过公开监测数据,增强公众对文化遗产保护的认识和参与。        8. 经济价值:古建筑作为旅游景点或文化场所,对当地经济发展有重要贡献。监测和维护可以确保这些资产的持续利用和增值。        总之,监测古建筑的健康状况是一项综合性的工作,它结合了历史保护、结构工程、环境科学和社会责任,对于确保古建筑的安全、完整性和可持续性至关重要。


        气体报警器控制主机的连接能力和输入信号类型主要取决于具体设备的规格和设计。以下是一般情况下的概述:        一、连接能力        气体报警器控制主机可以连接的传感器数量(路数)通常是其关键规格之一。不同型号的控制器可以支持不同的传感器数量,从4路到上百路不等。例如,一些低端的控制器可能只支持4路或8路,而高端的控制器可能支持32路、64路甚至更多。当然,支持路数越多,价格也越贵。大型工业应用中,可能需要使用特制的485芯片来扩展连接能力,理论上最大可支持128路或256路的传感器。        二、输入信号类型        气体报警控制器支持的输入信号类型通常包括:        1. 模拟信号:最常见的输入信号类型是4-20mA电流环信号,这是一种标准的工业信号,用于传输连续变量,如气体浓度。        2. 数字信号:例如RS485总线信号,采用Modbus RTU或其他专有协议,用于数字通信,可以传输更多的信息,如设备状态、诊断信息等。        3. 开关信号:一些简单的控制器可能支持干接点或湿接点输入,用于触发报警或状态指示。


        气体控制器主机在新能源、工业安全、环境保护和消防安全等领域中扮演着至关重要的角色。它的主要用途概括如下:        1. 集中监控与管理:气体控制器主机能够连接多个气体探测器,将分散的监测点数据集中处理,提供统一的监控界面,便于操作员或维护人员实时了解整个环境系统的气体浓度状况。        2. 报警与响应:当任何连接的探测器检测到气体浓度超标或异常时,控制器主机能够立即触发声光报警,同时通过继电器输出或其他接口启动应急响应措施,如自动关闭阀门、启动通风系统或喷淋系统,以迅速控制或消除危险。        3. 数据记录与分析:气体控制器主机通常配备有数据记录功能,能够存储历史气体浓度数据、报警记录和系统日志,便于事后分析事故原因,或用于合规审计和设备维护。        4. 远程监控与报告:通过网络接口或无线通信技术,控制器主机可以将实时数据和报警信息发送至远程监控中心或管理人员的移动设备,实现远程监控和管理,提升响应速度。        5. 智能决策支持:一些高级的气体控制器主机配备了智能分析功能,能够根据历史数据预测气体泄漏趋势,提前预警,帮助管理层做出更有效的安全决策。        6. 系统集成:控制器主机可以与楼宇自动化系统、安全管理系统或工厂控制系统集成,实现更高级别的自动化控制和联动响应。        7. 合规与标准遵循:在很多行业中,使用气体控制器主机是遵守安全法规和行业标准的强制要求,以确保工作场所的安全和健康。        总之,气体控制器主机通过其强大的集中监控、快速响应和智能分析能力,为各种应用环境提供了一道重要的安全防线,有效地预防和控制了潜在的气体泄漏风险,保护人员安全,减少财产损失,同时也帮助企业满足法规要求,提升整体安全管理水平。




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